Tuesday 22 May 2018

Best Fashion & Advertisement Photographers in Tamil Nadu

Karthiksenniyappan.com offer best fashion & advertisement photographers in Tamil Nadu (Chennai). We provide only high quality photos and videos to their customers.

see more :-  http://www.karthiksenniyappan.com/fashion&advertising.html

How to Choose a Wedding Photographer - 10 Tips For Selecting Wedding Photography

You want your wedding photographer to capture everything that makes your day special, to capture you at your best, to deliver photographs that live up to your expectations. Here are 10 tips for selecting wedding photography that you can live with throughout your new life together.

A reputable wedding photographer should have a physical location. A physical location where you can find them when you need them and where you can meet with them safely is important. Brick and mortar wedding photography studios build trust within the community and with their clients. If your wedding photographer does not have a local address (not a PO Box) that they will share with you, it's a good reason not to trust them. They might work out of their house, but do you know where that is? A physical office or studio is paramount to them being trustworthy. Would be you be willing to have a random stranger come to your house, or for you to go to their house? It's safer and more reliable to choose a wedding photographer with a studio or office you can visit and where you can find your photographer.

The 10 Secrets You Must Know To Choose A Good Wedding Photographer

Selecting your wedding photographer is not a difficult task. By learning my 10 secrets you will eliminate many of the pitfalls it is so easy to fall into. It is very important that you make your selection of photographer early on in your wedding plans. The best and most popular photographers get booked early, often a year or two in advance. So once you have set your date and arranged the wedding venue, the next thing on your list should be your photographer.

Fashion Photographer - Through The Lens Of a Career In Fashion

You may love all things having to do with fashion, from the diverse clothes that are worn and beautiful dresses, to the offbeat designers, to the celebrities as well as models that show off the clothes - lets face it, one of the most exciting and diverse industries is the fashion industry.

However, perhaps you do not have the creative drive necessary to become a fashion designer, and most people would not blame you if you do not wish to lose thirty pounds to become a fashion model. This however does not mean that you can't get into the fashion industry. There are numerous other options available to you in the industry of fashion.

3 Top Reasons You Want To Work With Famous Fashion Photographers If You Are An Aspiring

Many famous fashion photographers are often not known to the world unless you are in the fashion or photography industry. Photographers are people behind the lens and every snap shot they take can make or break an aspiring model's dream. Photography is an industry that requires not just passion, but also a good eye. Many elements are involved in taking the best shot and generally, the more experienced the photographer, the better his or her shots. The intensity of the shots taken is also partly dependent on the creativity of the photographer. Each photographer will have their signature snap shots and as much as their pictures tell a story, the photos can be used by models to further their career.

Advertising Photography - Where's The Difference?

The rising sun, the prowling tigress, the chubby baby exploring a new found object with his mouth, the moonlight shimmering on the surging waves... are some of the best moments in life that almost all photographers have captured at some point of their lives. But all this is not advertising photography. Advertising photography is different from other forms of photography by a huge margin. And the main reason for such a difference is the presence of a huge group of people, to whom every shot of advertising photography is dedicated.

This huge group of people is lovingly called the target audience by the advertisers, the creative group working on the campaigns and the commercial photographers. The target audience forms the core of advertising photography. The whole project is developed around them. It is all about them, for them and because of them. Every shot is planned such that they impress the target people - the consumers.

Advertising photography, as the name suggests, is solely meant for the purpose of promoting something. This could be a product, a service or an idea. There is a subject which is usually the model in advertising photography; and the model can be both a living thing as well as a non living thing. We find frequent usage of human models in advertising photography. And the human model, more often than not, represents the target audience


20, Annai Illam, Ground floor

3rd Main Road, Abinandhan Nagar




PH : 7200009898